Starmaps : The Astrological Body
We are made of star stuff and there's a map for your own personal galaxy.
The arts of medicinal astrology and herbalism have developed as cooperative and blended studies over the centuries. Ancient and modern herbalists have looked to both root and star to discover the source of strengths and imbalances, of all sorts that have appeared within the human body. In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in astroherbology within the modern community of traditional western herbalists with a focus on inclusivity and queering dominant paradigms (learn more!) - also known as working magick against the sorcery of overcultures worldwide. Magick on, wild ones.
What I love about astroherbology, is that we have a star map for our bodies that helps us to grasp the maxim of As Above, So Below.
Our heritage as traditional western herbalists includes the natal or birth chart, which corresponds with the Astrological Body Map, one of our oldest diagnostic tools. While some modern herbalists may squirm at the mention of astrology still being used today, I think it is inspiring to know that our ancestors realized that the scope of the human experience was far greater than their physical form. I should note here, too, that when I speak of the human body I am referring to the entirety of a person's experience in the world including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realities.
In some ways, astrology was one of the earliest codified explorations of consciousness and the art continues to require us to look beyond our immediate understanding of reality to a much larger galaxy of possibility. If anything, astrology offers a useful language of myth to help us understand our lived experiences.
So what can we do with an Astrological Body Map?
The Astrological Body Map can be used:
To illustrate the zodiac's interaction with our body.
To understand out natal chart in a whole new way!
To map out imbalances of the body, giving us a visual tool to use for healing work.
In ritual and charm work, including sigils, matrix-making, and remote healing,
The Astrological Body Map that I've created below highlights the predominant areas of the zodiac within the body including dominant colors of each sign as well as listing out the primary body systems that each sign has guardianship over. You'll notice Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac, rests at the top of the body with all the other signs descending in sequence, finally ending with Pisces. Already we have an easy way to begin to remember the correspondences of the stars to our selves.
Click on the image below to enlarge.
Lovely, right?
How beautiful it is to see all those stars singing throughout every part of us. It is important to remember that we are more than just our Sun sign in astrology (which is the sign that most folks are familiar with in their natal or birth chart). We are a combination of all of the signs - some sing more strongly in us than others, but they're all part of the chorus.
In further explorations of the Astrological Body Map, I'll be posting a tutorial for you to explore your natal chart in relation to your own body's starmap.
In the meantime, I encourage you to start experimenting with the information given and asking yourself questions about the whats and whys of the Astrological Body Map.
What is the relationship between Gemini and the lungs (hint: think about breath and story)?
How might the classic Virgo personality tie the intestines up in knots?
What are descriptions of the signs that I've heard that match up to map (think about Aries being described as "headstrong")?
Be sure to check out my Introduction to Astroherbology if you haven't already and take a look at some classical renditions of the Astrological Body Map on my Astroherbology Pinterest Board. Get tucked into in-depth astroherbology profiles of each sign of the zodiac:
Enjoy exploring your stars!