
Wortsandcunning.com is intended to provide entertainment and educational information on topics including herbology, magick, astrology, and living an enchanted life. The publisher (Alexis J. Cunningfolk) is not engaged in rendering legal, medical, financial or other professional services. If expert assistance is required, please seek the help of a professional.

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Tarot readings by Alexis J. Cunningfolk are spiritual in nature and do not purport to tell the future or your fortune with certainty, cure misfortune, commune supernaturally, or perform any service that would be in conflict with the laws of the land. No representations can be made whatsoever about the accuracy of the reading and should not be construed as predictive or psychic. Your reading is an objective process where cards are drawn, a subjective meaning is placed on those cards per certain reading traditions, and it is believed that such subjective meanings can be a spiritual experience. All readings are confidential. However, if there is reason to believe that you may be at imminent risk of harm to yourself or to others, then the contents of your reading may be disclosed to professional third parties on a need-to-know basis for the sole purpose of preventing risk of harm. A court order issued by a judge could also override any confidentiality terms herein. Any readings and communications transmitted electronically will also be subject to the proprietor’s Disclaimer. A tarot reading should never be used in place of professional counseling. Your reading cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does any portion of your reading herein purport to. You should not rely on a tarot reading to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, tarot reading cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that tarot readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof.