Apothecary Holiday Plans

winter heart Now that the Apothecary is closed for the holidays (we'll be back around December 28) we finally have some time for some of the items on our winter respite to-adventure list.  Since it often involves brewing up new goodies for the Apothecary, we thought we would give you a peek into our winter workshop.

Just what are we doing these wintery days and nights?

Working on my Swedish Chai recipe. A lot of my remedy ideas come from dreams.  So it was that one night I dreamt of DeLoreans and the idea of making a chai recipe that incorporates classic Swedish herbal elements.  I already have an idea of what herbs I am going to use, now it is just experimenting with the proportions.  I’ll share the recipe once I’m done!

Reading. I am never far from a book and I have a couple of books I have been carrying around but have yet to read that I look forward to tucking into during these long nights.  One of these books is Culpeper's Medicine: A Practice Of Western Holistic Medicine by Graeme Tobyn, which explores the work of Nicholas Culpeper’s herbal practice and especially his use of medical astrology.

Catching up on my writing. Journaling, writing up new blogs for the Apothecary, such as plant profiles, and other freelance writing work fill up lots of my time when I am not making medicines (or walking dogs or making tea).  Between Samhain and Yule I write down my goals and dreams for the year which build upon the work of the previous year, arching towards my long-term visions.  It is a season, in other words, of making bridges out of lists.

Making lots and lots of sweet herbal goodies. This is the time of year that I fill up friends and family with adaptogenic, bliss-filled herbs in the guise of holiday sweets.  I love Kate Magic’s wonderments, My New Roots, and Earthsprout are some of my current sources of my recipe inspiration.

Sending out handmade postcards like a boss. I guess I am a boss of myself so I would therefore be the type of boss to make and send out handmade postcards.  If you get a lot of boxes this holiday season that you don’t have much use for, cut them up to postcard size, decorate them with some glitter, and make the folks who get them in the mail really happy.

Working on a new adventurous offering from the Apothecary! We'll be offering a brand new something in the next few months that we've never done before in the Apothecary.  I'm in the phase of charming dreams into the waking world...  There will be a tiny preview - just a hint - of what we'll be offering on the Winter Solstice.  Keep your eyes on the skies...

So, my clever friends, this winter dark may you...

 Find the festiveness of quiet moments + simple retreats.

 Delight in the delicious company of loved ones. 

 Love + nurture the tangled roots of all your dreams.