Herbs for Sassiness

The first of a series of teas for pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, Sassy Mama, was made with the postpartum in mind, whether it has been a few weeks since the birth of your bundle of baby or a few years.  Or let's be honest, a decade plus.  With the entrance of a new member of the family into your life it is important to feed body and spirit because so much change has occurred and sometimes it can seem hard to keep up with it all.  That's why we keep it sassy!

Sassiness needs to be nurtured in order to be maintained and our Sassy Mama tea blend gives your body the respect it needs, saying “That's right!  You’re awesome!”  Full of nutritive herbs, Sassy Mama helps restore vitality and lift the spirit and keep you cool under the stresses of daily life with kids.  Most importantly it just might help give you the peace you need to really appreciate the family you're creating.  Or at least give you the clarity to call up some help from your community of friends and family  (who wants to spend some quality time at your Aunties' house?).

Sassy Mama is best steeped overnight to bring out the full flavor of the following herbs:

HAWTHORN BERRIES Crataegus monogyna: Hawthorne Berries are like a love letter to the heart.  Their adaptogenic, nervine, and nutritive rich properties are very strengthening, promoting circulation and calm.

CHAMOMILE Matricaria recutita: A very attentive and cheerful herb, Chamomile helps soothe the irritation in both body and mind.  Helpful when sleep is difficult because of stressed nerves and indigestion caused by stress and maybe less-than-ideal eating habits from grabbing what we can.

ALFALFA Medicago sativa: Nutritious, delicious, Alfalfa helps the body better assimilate nutrients – which means more energy for being sassy!

ROSE Rosa damascena: Enhances positive emotions and reminds us to love who we are, what we got, and how we show up in the world.

LAVENDER Lavandula officinalis: Cooling, calming, and refreshing, Lavender improves mental clarity and accuracy.

SACRED BASIL Ocimum sanctum: An especially holy herb, as the name implies, Sacred Basil helps grow our bodies into vibrant health, helping the body adapt to stress both internal and environmental.

Find Sassy Mama in our S H O P!