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I have been sharing my love of intersectional herbalism and magickal arts for over a decade and I love what I do. Through Worts & Cunning Apothecary I get to connect with folks like you in the work and play of creating a more just and more kind world. If you’ve been moved by my writing or used the resources I’ve created (like my sliding scale series) then please consider showing some love by becoming supporter.

Your support helps to create momentum for future projects while keeping the majority of what I do free and low-cost both online and in-person.

You can also support my work through a one-time donation or becoming a patron.

Thank you!

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Dandelion ~ Free

The Dandelion subscription is free. I know that not everyone has the means to donate money but you can do any of the following to support my work:

Subscribe to Magick Mail.
Share my posts with your community.
Choose kindness for yourself and others daily.

Milky Oat ~ $1/month

The Milky Oat subscription is $1 a month - sign up. Here is a Renaissance faire fake old english style poem of gratitude:

Oh thou who would’st cast a dollar at me
are planting the acorns of a mighty oak tree
perhaps acorn should’ve been the name of this level
but let the angels have reason for we dance with the devil

Basil ~ $3/month

The Basil subscription is $3 a month - sign up. Here is a angsty middle school style poem of gratitude:

My soul is burning with the heat of misery
my only gladness is the solace of being me
not a sheep but a gryphon with shining silver wings
flying with you and our $3 victory

Sage ~ $6/month

The Sage subscription is $6 a month - sign up. Here is a haiku style poem of gratitude written by a super deep hipster at a coffee shop:

Who needs a penny
for thoughts worth six dollars
the mind can’t be bought

Mugwort ~ $9/month

The Mugwort subscription is $9 a month - sign up. Here is a spell style poem of gratitude from swamp witch:

Artemisia vulgaris
bones and blood
sweat and tears
the wisdom of the ages
the wrinkles of years
you are nine beacons
all darkness, all light
where once was fear
is only your bright

Elder ~ $18/month

The Elder subscription is $18 a month - sign up. Here is a poem of gratitude that you would find spray-painted on a disused phone box:

We’re all stuck here together
Might as well be nice

Looking to make a one-time donation? Click here.
Where the heck is my Patreon? Right here.

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