The Waymarkers Spread

From November 2024

For our first journey together along The Gathering Path I wanted to offer a spread that called upon the energy of the compass and the four directions, but with a strong emphasis on the elements, so that we begin our journey feeling like we are carrying gifts (our waymarkers) that will help us along the way. I’ve described the layout in correspondence to the cardinal directions and elemental correspondences in each hemisphere as laid out in my tradition, but feel free to place cards in the spots that best correspond to your practice.

Card 1. The Gifts of the Air
Place card in the East in both hemispheres.

Air is the element of beginnings and fresh starts, focus and communication, and this card offers a gift of insight about a part of your journey that would be aided through a gift of clarity and clarification.

Card 2. The Gifts of the Water
Place card in the West in both hemispheres.

Water is the element of intuition and emotional intelligence, visions and connection, and this card offers a message from your dreaming self to help you understand your desires for the journey ahead.

Card 3. The Gifts of the Fire
Place card in the South in the Northern Hemisphere / North in the Southern Hemisphere.

Fire is the element of creativity and will power, action and motivation, and this card offers the gift of transformation, pointing to an area in your life that is ready for change.

Card 4. The Gifts of the Earth
Place card in the North in the Northern Hemisphere / South in the Southern Hemisphere.

Earth is the element of stability and foundation, regeneration and lineage, and this card offers a message from your benevolent ancestors as you begin this journey.

Cards 5 & 6. The Gifts of the Community Fire
Place both cards in the center.

The community fire is the space we create by showing up together in our shared practice. The card on the left illuminates a gift received by participating on this community journey while the card on the right illuminates a gift that you bring to our community.

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